We are here to lend a helping hand, Family, Senior, and Veteran Services,

Jackpot Helping Hands is a 501-C-3 non-profit organization located in Elko County in the small, rural town of Jackpot, Nevada. Our organization was born out of a response to the 2020 Pandemic. When our small town shut down due to the pandemic, 98% of the residents were out of work. The only services to help our residents were in Elko, Nevada, over 120 miles away.
We started working with Elko FISH (Friends in Services Helping). Working with this fantastic organization helped us realize the need to have our services here in Jackpot. At this time, we started the application process to become a 501 C 3 non-profit offering services locally in our rural town of Jackpot, Nevada.
Helping families receive the necessary services through the Nevada Department of Health and Welfare. We also offer a children's coat closet and a Holiday Giving Tree. Click here for more information.
Our Jackpot community pantry offers a variety of nutritious food boxes. Family and Seniors are welcome to come in twice a month to collect their food boxes. Click here for our hours and more information.
Bringing enjoyment to the lives of senior adults through caring services, with opportunities for social interaction, recreation, essential support services, education, volunteerism, and community involvement. Click here for more information
We are proud to serve our Veterans in navigating the website, applying for services, and offering emotional support as needed. We also provide transportation to Twin Falls Idaho, and Elko Nevada at no charge.
Our fantastic team of regular and part-time volunteers is committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Would you be a good fit? Please feel free to contact us for more information on how you can become a volunteer.
Jackpot Helping Hands is committed to helping the residents of Jackpot and the surrounding communities, ensuring nobody goes hungry. Our Senior Residents, Veterans, and Families are getting their needed services.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.
Jackpot Helping Hands Family Services Non-Profit
1594 Pond Drive Jackpot, Nevada 89825
This material was partially funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Please call 1-800-992-0900 for more information. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Este material fue financiado parcialmente por USDA Programa de asistencia de nutrición suplementaria (SNAP). Por favor llame a 1-800-992-0900 para obtener más información. Esta es una oportunidad de igualdad del proveedor y empleador.